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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: May 22, 2020

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends, 

Kudos to the Middle Schoolers who wrote letters to the younger Spectrum students…I just read them! Kudos as well to Ms. Aubrey for continuing to build community, support, and connections despite distance. 

Please see some news regarding next year. I want to thank Sabine for giving us a year in our hour of need, and Shannon for her willingness to keep giving when and where we really needed her most. 


Dear Spectrum Community,

It is with a heavy heart that we have decided (separately) that it is in the best interest of our families to not return to Spectrum School next school year. We have greatly enjoyed our time at Spectrum, working with the amazing students, families, and faculty. This was an extremely difficult decision for both of us; however, with all of the uncertainties going on in the world, we needed to focus on our quality family time. 

Spectrum has been and always will be truly special to both of us. We wish nothing but the best for the school and the amazing staff!   


Shannon Fitzgerald and Sabine Slocum


Dr. Mary Beth Cunat 

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