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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Bluejays’ Journal: Apr.29 – May.3


This is a friendly reminder that your students should be at Spectrum, ready to go for Hairspray Jr, by 5:45PM this Saturday night, and 1:45PM this Sunday afternoon. Please bring your costumes! See you then!

Chinese Calligraphy!

Such an amazing last day of Chinese calligraphy. Thanks Tracy and Maggie for all your help!

Hairspray Jr.

Some really fun moments happening at Hairspray Jr practice after school. Thanks to Yannik’s mom, Sabine, for capturing these amazing pictures. Remember, call on Saturday is 5:45pm and Sunday at 1:45pm. Looking forward to a great show!

Hope you enjoyed our first May edition of the Bluejays' Journal!

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