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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Bluejays’ Journal: Feb.11 – Feb.15

3-Day Classroom Week!

What a week!

We started Monday with a field trip to Angelic Organics that as you know didn’t happen. Stupid ice!

With three days for teaching/learning (stupid snowstorms/snow days) we covered a lot of ground!

Math A: long division, enlarging and shrinking shapes with ratios
Math B: comparing fractions, reducing fractions
Reading: Lots of great books being read by students
ELA: Started poetry, Read and studied Casey at the Bat
Science: Started Mammals–marsupials and monotremes
History: made it to 1944 in World War II, ask your child about D-Day and who the big three are.

Thank you all for supporting digital days. It is nice to know the students are engaged and learning even when we cannot be in school.

This has been another chapter of the Bluejays' Journal!

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