stamps, Stamps, STAMPS!
Going through Miss Pam’s stamp collection for inspiration. Each student will be creating their own stamp design for Earth Day!
Music class this week = Aretha, body percussion, and dance breaks, OH MY!
Chase and Felix trying to master the elusive “criss cross”....keep at it, Creat-ova-tors!
Completed Georgia O’Keeffe flower paintings!
Earth Day stamp designing!
Silent Art Auction!
Creat-ova-tors are busy preparing a Silent Art Auction as a school fundraiser. Today, Jace is taking pictures of the pieces that will go on our website, Kaylee is organizing and tagging homemade greeting card sets, Avenlea and Ben are designing promotional posters, Chase, Felix, and Nathan are writing descriptions of the products and working on the website, and Lilah and Milla are creating more art! They have been taking turns with the jobs and sharing responsibilities as well as planning their time without much teacher direction. This has been a labor of love (and art!) and they can’t wait until we “go live” on May 3rd! Stay tuned!
Declan got to share part of his awesome rock collection with the class Thursday!
Song for a Whale wrap up!
After finishing our fabulous read aloud, Song for a Whale, Creat-ova-tors chose a writing project as a reflection. Some wrote book reviews, others wrote sequels, or simply their thoughts. Three people shared their writing Thursday. We were impressed with the public speaking skills including eye contact, expressive voice, and avoiding saying “yeah” at the end of their speeches!
Jace earned his black belt on Tuesday = 125 jumps!

Each paper strip can be pulled to reveal the answer on whether it is a renewable or non-renewable natural resource!
Miss Pam brought in a hundred year old typewriter for the students to address their envelopes!
Blackout Poetry!
Each student used existing text to find descriptive language creating a new poem out of narrative text.

Have a relaxing weekend!
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