Fraction work during Math!
This week, we engaged in both independent reading and finished our third read aloud: Song for a Whale! Ask your Creat-ova-tor about this book!
Mixing Art and Science!
Examining the different parts of flowers and sketching what we see!
New Math Unit: multiplication and division!
Lorien is thrilled to publish her completed Writing Workshop story!

Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder - body percussion during Music class!
The Brainstormers hit the trail for an afternoon hike!

Outdoor movement break!

The Brainstormers practiced making connections with snap circuits at school, while EJ's breadboard circuit project was a success at home!
Enjoying a Zoom meeting across Intermediate with former classmates Yumi and Takumi!
Georgia O’Keeffe inspired paintings!
We spent our time with Miss Keiko not only learning the months in Japanese, but all enjoying a game she purchased for our class called Takenoko. Players have to implement strategy and problem-solving skills to cultivate land plots, grow bamboo, and feed the panda.
Our class enjoyed this game tremendously!
Arigatou, Keiko!!!!
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