Shades of Meaning!
Arranging synonyms by level of intensity in a word-choice activity called Shades of Meaning. We were also able to practice looking words up in the dictionary to compare definitions. Our next step will be to practice our cursive writing skills to make a resource for each desk!
Beginning research for our biography book club!

Movement breaks!
A few times a week, Creat-ova-tors take movement breaks by using the jump ropes they made from recycled plastic bags to practice either jump rope endurance or jump rope tricks. So far we have two brown belts at 100 jumps in a row and several others who are close!
Wyat created a Kahoot game to share his passion for presidential history!

Snow building and snowy recess fun while it lasts!
Analyzing Amanda Gorman’s poem The Miracle of Morning!
Letter Writing!
The Brainstormers spent some time Friday morning writing letters to a character from the book they’re currently reading, with a focus on empathy for what the character is going through.
Lilah and Milla completed their pour paintings to celebrate their birthdays this week!
Have a relaxing weekend!
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