Creat-ova-tors’ Reminders:
-Please make sure your Creat-ova-tor’s device is fully charged every day.
-Please send in a full bottle of water with your child each day.
Brainstormers and Creat-ova-tors got to learn about and interact with Kendamas in Japanese class with Miss Keiko. It was both challenging AND fun!
Brainstormers started off their morning with a concentration game and snowman obstacle course!
Interdisciplinary work this past Wednesday: Genius Hour and weaving!
ASL Hand Shape Word Wall!
The Creat-ova-tors started their ASL Handshape Word Wall last week! We started with seven basic handshapes. Each word is accompanied by a QR code that contains a video showing the sign.
Feel free to pull out your phone and open your camera to scan a QR code if you’re in the building.
I can’t wait to see how many words your Creat-ova-tors will add to our word wall!

Marine Mission!
On Monday, we DIVED into our new interdisciplinary topic – Marine Mission!
Thursday, the Creat-ova-tors listened to a whale singing while sketching their whale flukes!
Our “Starry Night” Masterpieces!

As always, feel free to email us with any questions, concerns, or even requests for this newsletter!
If you haven’t already… click the link below and join the Classroom’s Facebook Group to get updates even quicker!