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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Nov. 9 – Nov. 13

A group of students from Sally's cohort participated in this after school opportunity during October!

We had a great visit with Airman Cameron Kasicki this morning in honor of Veterans Day!

Measuring perimeter during Math!


The Creat-ova-tors continued their research on bridges by mapping some of the most famous ones. This was an excellent opportunity to review the differences between continents, countries, states, counties, and cities. Quiz your student at home to name some!

Practicing Japanese characters with our new calligraphy pens!

Yumi & Takumi Reunion!

Both the Brainstormers and the Creat-ova-tors got a chance to virutally chat with two former Spectrum students on Friday, Yumi and Takumi! While we chatted with them early in the morning OUR time, it was around 11:00pm THEIR time!

Have a relaxing weekend!

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