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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Intermediate Elementary

Ages 7 - 10

  • Date created

    March 1, 2018

  • Last updated

    September 26, 2024


Intermediate Elementary serves kids ages 7 to 10.  During their years at this level, students learn to advocate for themselves, solve in-depth problems in creative ways, and actively participate in rich interdisciplinary learning.  At the beginning of the year, students are challenged through teacher-led projects. Throughout the year, they are guided to increasing levels of independence choosing topics based on their interests.  They are taught how to ask questions, make a cohesive plan, and reflect on their progress and product. Students engage with both their classroom and school community as well as members of the community at large.

What to Expect

A balanced approach to literacy, including book clubs, journaling, reports and research, fiction and non-fiction reading, grammar, phonics, and literary round table discussions

Spelling and syntax experienced through word-study

In-depth math study through the Investigations Math program

Social studies and science explored through in-depth, interdisciplinary projects

A strong emphasis on social development

Instrumental Band offered beginning at age 9

Inside the Classroom

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Mar. 17 – Mar. 21

Scavenger Hunt! Leprechauns left a scavenger hunt for treasure. FRED 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Mar. 3 – Mar. 7

Happy 9th Birthday Bennett! Enjoying the music of Ireland with 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 24 – Feb. 28

Experiment Time! We did some different experiments with hot/cold water, 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 18 – Feb. 21

Another great NPR interview!Art Time!Reading Buddies Time!Multiplication work, using yummy 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 10 – Feb. 14

Congratulations to Oliver for winning the $25 gift card to 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 3 – Feb. 7

We made airplanes and tested them out in the commons!First 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 27 – Jan. 31

Painting!We had our NPR interview on Wednesday, they did great!Reading 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 20 – Jan. 24

Some inside recess fun!All School Sharing, hosted by the Makers!Around 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 13 – Jan. 17

Some pictures from inside recess on Monday!It's our favorite time 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 6 – Jan. 10

We came up with some New Years resolutions/goals for school, 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Dec. 16 – Dec. 20

On Monday, we watched the second Narnia movie and wrote 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Dec. 9 – Dec. 13

They did a great job presenting their "I survived" projects!Yule 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Dec. 2 – Dec. 6

A sneak peak into Fred's work-time on Monday!Cultural Night Creating! 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Nov. 18 – Nov. 22

Holiday Program Sneak Peek! Here is a sneak peek at 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Nov. 4 – Nov. 8

Measuring! Practicing measuring with rulers, yard sticks, and tape measures. 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 28 – Nov. 1

Went outside for art on this beautiful Tuesday!We celebrated Carl 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 21 – Oct. 25

Rockford University! Playing in the leaves before another fun day 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 14 – Oct. 18

Rockford University Monday! We had a fun morning with our 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 7 – Oct. 11

We still love quiet reading!When they borrow your phone to 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 30 – Oct. 4

Miss Fabbie is BACK! This week, we had our first 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 23 – Sept. 27

Football Season! Intermediate students learned how to throw a football 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 16 – Sept. 20

Rockford University Reunion! First day with RU this year! They 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 9 – Sept. 13

Quick game of sight word memory and quiet reading before 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 3 – Sept. 6

Measuring different things outdoors!Recess! Some had a short lived reading 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Aug. 26 – Aug. 30

First Day of School!Tower building challenge with just paper and 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! May 13 – May 17

Biographies! Biographies are a lot of work. Oh, if only 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! May 6 – May 10

"Arigatou for beautiful Thank You cards and origami from IE 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! April 29 – May 3

Great job with Japanese flowers arrangement, IkebanMay the 4th be 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Apr. 22 – Apr. 26

Getting our Science Fair boards ready!Anderson Japanese Garden field trip 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Apr. 15 – Apr. 19

NOTE: Science Fair! Wednesday, April 24 from 10:30am-11:30am in the 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Apr. 8 – Apr. 12

Happy Eclipse Day!Feeling spoiled by my birthday surprises, but especially 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Apr. 1 – Apr. 5

Lirpa Loof Birds! Intermediate learned about Lirpa Loof birds on 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Mar. 18 – Mar. 22

Keiko comes to share words and ideas from our Anderson 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Mar. 11 – Mar. 15

Math Venn Diagrams! Thanks, Jen Hassler for this idea! Math 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 26 – Mar. 1

School Garden Thoughts... In preparation for our upcoming trip to 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 20 – Feb. 23

Anemometer Day!Cursive facsination!Spanish Class Afuera! It's was a beautiful day 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 12 – Feb. 16

Intermediate launched their Weather unit this week!Differentiating Math! We made 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 29 – Feb. 2

Getting a start on some elements for our new Science 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 22 – Jan. 26

Fractions Applying equivalent fractions to a real world challenge. Two 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 16 – Jan. 19

Where are the Words by Jodi McKay! Sully noticed the 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Dec. 18 – Dec. 22

Happy Holiday Sock Day from Intermediate! Holiday Factors and Multiples!Las 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Dec. 11 – Dec. 15

Intermediate partners with Upper on design process for Gingerbread houses!Art 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Dec. 4 – Dec. 8

A cute shot of independent reading! Jenni Hassler builds geographic 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Nov. 27 – Dec. 1

Making life-size tracings of our bodies as we learn the 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Nov. 13 – Nov. 17

Beginning our Reptile Interest Group with an animal sort!Co-planning expectations 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Nov. 6 – Nov. 10

The Sense of Taste group hard at work! Julia digs 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 30 – Nov. 3

Trunk or Treat & Haunted Trail Recap!Dia de Muertos! In 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 23 – Oct. 27

Spooky Bernoulli Activities! Why do the balloons come together rather 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 16 – Oct. 20

Amazed by Sully's glaciation and map of the Great Lakes!We 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 9 – Oct. 13

Happy Golden 10th (on the 10th) Birthday Owen! Mastering neat 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 2 – Oct. 6

Nothing does my heart better than walking into a room 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 25 – Sept. 29

Beginning Band's First Day! We learned to put our instruments 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 18 – Sept. 22

Monday morning: draw a picture of a fact about water 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 11 – Sept. 15

Rainy Mondays are great for project time!Water Science! How many 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 5 – Sept. 8

Reader's Spotlight! Our first Reader’s Spotlight was Wednesday! Julia read 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Aug. 28 – Sept. 1

Happy First Day of School! Intermediate and Early got to 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! May 15 – May 19

Bravo to our Intermediate Band members and Recorder players for 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! May 8 – May 12

Geometry Olympics! We have been working hard to learn Geometry, 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! May 1 – May 5

Manipulating for equivalent fractions & making geometric patterns in collaborative 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Apr. 24 – Apr. 28

Survival Interest Group! First, knowing our home address, knowing how 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Apr. 17 – Apr. 21

Orchestra Moves Concert! The Orchestra Moves concert at the Coronado 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Apr. 10 – Apr. 14

Journal writing comparing Spring and Summer! Making an effort to 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Apr. 3 – Apr. 7

IE students re-write Bunnicula first person from a different character's 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Mar. 27 – Mar. 31

Wayside School! Our Wayside School chapter was about a speed 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Mar. 13 – Mar. 17

Learning family relationships in Spanish! Congratulations to Daliyah and Asher 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 27 – Mar. 3

Stump The Teacher! Team huddle to figure out a 5 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 20 – Feb. 24

Thursday's All-School Share!More progress on playing the recorder this week!Have 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 13 – Feb. 17

Telephone! We played the classic Telephone game as an ice 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 6 – Feb. 10

Intermediate adding large numbers with student-constructed problems!Quiet Reading! Our quiet 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 30 – Feb. 3

Morning Journal! Morning journal was: what would you plan if 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 23 – Jan. 27

On Tuesday, we celebrated a whole decade of Asher! Happy 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 17 – Jan. 20

Some days you just need to hear your friends read 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 9 – Jan. 13

IE is working hard on their projects for our project 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 3 – Jan. 6

Thank you to Peregrine's dad, Farmer Ben, for bringing in 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Dec. 12 – Dec. 16

Anchor Charts! This week, we walked through what it is 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Dec. 5 – Dec. 9

Mountain Formation Projects! I’m very proud of my IE students 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Nov. 28 – Dec. 2

We had so much fun with Early Elementary, choosing our 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Nov. 14 – Nov. 18

Intermediate explores resources for our Rocks and Minerals unit!Dreambox Math! 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Nov. 7 – Nov. 11

Beginning Band! Beginning Band members Daliyah and Asher make a 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 31 – Nov. 4

Quiet Reading Time!Bal-A-Vis-X! Miss Mary Beth showed Intermediate more Bal-A-Vis-X 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 24 – Oct. 28

Morning Activities! Lots happening in the IE classroom this morning! 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 17 – Oct. 21

Buddy Time! We read 10 Apples Up On Top and 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 10 – Oct. 14

Music with Miss Sue! It has been a tradition in 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 3 – Oct. 7

All-School Share! Intermediate Elementary led the All-School Share on Tuesday 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 26 – Sept. 30

It was a beautiful day to walk to RU for 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 19 – Sept. 23

Old Joe Clark! Students enjoying a square dance to Old 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 12 – Sept. 16

What A Beautiful Tuesday! This crew was grateful for a 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 6 – Sept. 9

Our kiddos practicing Spanish with Mary Beth and doing pattern 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Aug. 29 – Sept. 2

Lots of wonderful choice/work time happening in Intermediate!Take the weekend 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! May 16 – May 20

Preparing auction items to be sent home! Thank you again 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! May 9 – May 13

Beautiful live music from the Rockford Symphony string quartet Monday 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! May 2 – May 6

Our Monet-inspired Japanese garden bridges!Making origami samurai hats for Children’s 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Apr. 25 – Apr. 29

PE at RU!Exploring the wonders of Anderson Gardens...Arigato Keiko! 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Apr. 18 – Apr. 22

A snowy Monday walk to RU for PE! Our next 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Apr. 11 – Apr. 15

Trailblazers learning soft pastel techniques to use in our llama 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Mar. 28 – Apr. 1

Congratulations to the following band students for earning medals at 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Mar. 14 – Mar. 18

Pi Day Activities! Trailblazers completed a “Measuring Circles” activity where 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Mar. 7 – Mar. 11

Please return your field trip forms for our visit to 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Feb. 28 – Mar. 4

Sharing the hard work on our Antarctica projects and practicing 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Feb. 21 – Feb. 25

Interest Groups! Book Creators and Art Auction Adventurers: writing stories, 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Feb. 14 – Feb. 18

Trailblazers are going to begin preparations for our art auction 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Feb. 7 – Feb. 11

World Explorers sing about the Big Game! The World Explorers 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Jan. 31 – Feb. 4

We had a successful European Museum sharing Monday! Thank you 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Jan. 24 – Jan. 28

Angles, Prisms, and Pyramids...OH MY! The Orange group worked on 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Jan. 17 – Jan. 21

Identifying rhythm patterns with partners during our music lesson!Measuring perimeter 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Jan. 10 – Jan. 14

Movement lessons and yoga with Miss Amber! Celebrating the 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Jan. 3 – Jan. 7

Sledding fun at recess!3D Radial relief sculptures using three different 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Dec. 13 – Dec. 17

Trailblazers pine cone makers!The World Explorers played a Composer matching 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Dec. 6 – Dec. 10

Monday, we celebrated Amora's birthday!!! Maasai Book Projects! On Tuesday, 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Nov. 29 – Dec. 3

The Trailblazers loved playing Bag the Beanbag for our movement 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Nov. 15 – Nov. 19

Beginning our first printing projects with artist in residence Ms. 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Nov. 8 – Nov. 12

Photo Investigation! Both IE groups collaborated during a photo investigation 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Nov. 1 – Nov. 5

Another fun tennis lesson with Coach Dan!Highlights from our Day 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Oct. 25 – Oct. 29

Partner-reading Chris Van Allsburg books looking for the “extraordinary in 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Oct. 18 – Oct. 22

Practicing paper organization and writing informational beginnings using nonfiction mystery 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Oct. 11 – Oct. 15

Supply Request: Miss Sue is in the process of putting 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Oct. 4 – Oct. 8

Trailblazers planned and painted their table caddies before the impending 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Sept. 27 – Oct. 1

Giraffe Cards! Using the Giraffe Cards app to practice multiplication 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Sept. 20 – Sept. 24

Working on creating a Trailblazer class logo!Busy morning making progress 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Sept. 13 – Sept. 17

Rock Paper Scissors with some Spectrum twists! Continents! 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Sept. 6 – Sept. 10

Curling up with our books for daily independent reading time!On 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Aug. 30 – Sept. 3

Ms. Kelli and the... TRAIL BLAZERS! It was a close 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! May 17 – May 25

Getting started on our summer reading lists with a book 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! May 10 – May 14

Leona shared her writing workshop story “Astrocat’s Diary"! Personal 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! May 3 – May 7

A week from Thursday, on May 13th, we will be 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Apr. 26 – Apr. 30

We finished our fraction number line during Math on Monday!Beginning 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Apr. 19 – Apr. 23

Just a heads up…Monday, we discussed and practiced an intruder 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Apr. 12 – Apr. 16

stamps, Stamps, STAMPS! Going through Miss Pam’s stamp collection for 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Apr. 5 – Apr. 9

Fraction work during Math!Reading! This week, we engaged in both 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Mar. 29 – Apr. 1

The Brainstormers finished a timeline showing all the people from 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Mar. 15 – Mar. 19

Monday morning yoga with Ms. Tammie!Learning how to add decimals 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Mar. 8 – Mar. 12

Creat-ova-tors kicking off their week with a yoga session!Using “Stop 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Mar. 1 – Mar. 4

Happy Birthday to Jace and Nathan, who completed their birthday 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Feb. 22 – Feb. 26

Shades of Meaning! Arranging synonyms by level of intensity in 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Feb. 15 – Feb. 19

CLICK HERE for the link to put your child onto 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Feb. 8 – Feb. 12

Word Wall! We collaborated to make a classroom Word Wall 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Feb. 1 – Feb. 5

Song for a Whale! Song for a Whale has been 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Jan. 25 – Jan. 29

Creat-ova-tors have been working hard on their digital processfolios for 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Jan. 18 – Jan. 22

Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up for both classes on Friday, 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Jan. 11 – Jan. 15

Creat-ova-tors' Reminders: -Please make sure your Creat-ova-tor's device is fully 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Jan. 5 – Jan. 8

Winter Wonderland!Our Japanese work with Ms. Keiko!Happy New Year! As 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Dec. 7 – Dec. 11

Hike Break! After cursive writing practice and finishing artwork in 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Nov. 30 – Dec. 4

Outdoor Music class with Mrs. Puetz!The Creat-ova-tors started a new 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Nov. 16 – Nov. 20

Our latest project based investigation: Floating Cities!Creating Japanese New Years 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Nov. 9 – Nov. 13

A group of students from Sally's cohort participated in this 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Nov. 2 – Nov. 6

Figuring out the volume of our classroom in cubic meters! 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Oct. 26 – Oct. 30

Continuing our architecture study and designing our Frank Lloyd Wright 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Oct. 19 – Oct. 23

The Brainstormers need some donations for a project next week, 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Oct. 12 – Oct. 16

The Brainstormers testing out ideas and collaborating with teams for 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Oct. 5 – Oct. 9

Our guitar gals proudly sharing their instruments!Yoga practice with Ms. 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Sept. 28 – Oct. 2

Chris Grabenstein presentation! The Creat-ova-tors attended a virtual presentation by 

Brainstormers and Creatovators’ Highlights! Sept. 21 – Sept. 25

Puffball dissection during recess!The Brainstormers adding to their Picasso guitars, 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Sept. 14 – Sept. 18

Scholastic Book Clubs is the best possible partner to help 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Sept. 8 – Sept. 10

First-week-of-school birthday: Happy 10th Birthday, Lorien! Some book caddy construction: 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! May 25 – May 29

Last Day Zoom Picnic & Bingo!Thank you so much for 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! May 18 – May 22

Spirit Days for the last week of school! Tuesday 10:00AM 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! May 11 – May 15

Check out this fun activity from Kelli's math group that 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Apr. 27 – May 1

An incredible source for children's books, and it's FREE to 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Apr. 20 – Apr. 24

Friday April 17th was International Haiku Day. Here are some 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Apr. 13 – Apr. 17

Genius Hour Intro! Genius Hour proposals and pitches! Our 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Apr. 6 – Apr. 9

Nathan's skeletal system research! Dexter's fraction combinations! Ryan and Bear's 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Mar. 30 – Apr. 3

Recap Here's just a handful of things discussed this week 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Mar. 23 – Mar. 27

Zoom! We learned a lot with our first ZOOM meeting 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Mar. 9 – Mar. 13

Please remind students to have water bottles here throughout the 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Mar. 2 – Mar. 6

If you are participating in our "Bring Your Own Device" 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Feb. 24 – Feb. 28

Celebrating dental health month with an informational scavenger hunt!Congrats to 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Feb. 18 – Feb. 20

Nathan's Trombone Solo! Nathan practiced his trombone solo with piano 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Feb. 10 – Feb. 14

Bravo to the students who participated in the Future Problem 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Feb. 3 – Feb. 6

It was a short and busy week here with the 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Jan. 27 – Jan. 31

Please remember to go to this link and sign up 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Jan. 21 – Jan. 24

Pandebono! Novella shared homemade Pandebono (Colombian Cheese Bread) with our 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Jan. 13 – Jan. 17

Spies! Learning about spies during the American Revolution. We shared 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Jan. 6 – Jan. 10

One of our Board members came across an out-of-school online 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Dec. 16 – Dec. 20

Holiday Show dress rehearsal!We wish nothing but a relaxing, magical, 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Dec. 9 – Dec. 13

Gingerbread! Ask your Recy-COOL Kid how Gingerbread helped save the 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Dec. 2 – Dec. 6

Here is a link to our classroom's Google Calendar! Recy-COOL 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Nov. 18 – Nov. 22

Our students proudly sharing their hard work during Processfolio Night!Ecobricks 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Nov. 12 – Nov. 15

Japanese class! Writing names in Japanese with adzuki red beans 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles: Nov. 4 – Nov. 8

THANK YOU ALL for your donations for our Ecobricks! Our 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Oct. 28 – Nov. 1

We are collecting some cereal/snack food boxes for a project. 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Oct. 21 – Oct. 25

A Sign Up Genius invitation was sent to each family 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Oct. 14 – Oct. 18

Field Trip to Rockford University: Monday, Oct. 21st 8:40-9:40AM. Please 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Oct. 7 – Oct. 11

We had a great time with Angelic Organics this week! 

Introducing: The Intermediate Recy-Cool Kids! Sept. 30 – Oct. 3

Read below and let us know if you can help! 

Intermediate Elementary: Sept. 23 – Sept. 27

Reminders & Notes: Please remind your students to bring their 

Intermediate Elementary: Sept. 16 – Sept. 20

Each classroom is organizing a raffle basket for the Fall 

Intermediate Elementary: Sept. 9 – Sept. 13

We have started collecting our non-biodegradable trash to make eco-bricks! 

Intermediate Elementary: Sept. 3 – Sept. 6

WELCOME! We sent out an email invite this week for 

Bluestems’ Dossier: May 20 – May 24

Last lunch of the school year! Highlights from the Spectrum 

Bluestems’ Dossier: May 13 – May 17

Field Trip on Friday, May 24 9:00am-11:00am Don Carter Lanes 

Bluestems’ Dossier: May 6 – May 10

Bluestems' Notes: - Our field trip to Angelic Organics has 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Apr.29 – May.3

REMINDER! If your student will be performing in Hairspray Jr 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Apr.22 – Apr.26

Happy Earth Day! Here's ways the Bluestem class celebrate Earth 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Apr.15 – Apr.19

We are excited about the Fun Day, Run Day on 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Apr.8 – Apr.12

Upcoming Schedule: Monday 4/15 Interest Groups Tuesday 4/16 Interest Groups 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Apr.1 – Apr.5

We had a wonderful time at our field trip to 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Mar.18 – Mar.22

Snapshots of our Bookmaking Station and other activities during our 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Mar.11 – Mar.15

Bluestems' Friendly Reminders: We need drivers for two field trips 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Mar.4 – Mar.8

IQRA Collaboration Our cultural exchange with IQRA School of Rockford 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Feb.25 – Mar.1

Learning Japanese numbers, colors, and greetings! Ichi, ni, san, shi!Our 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Feb.19 – Feb.22

Bluestems' Notes: Super exciting news!!! Our class and Early Elementary 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Feb.11 – Feb.15

Bluestems' Scrum Section Genius Hour-themed Valentine boxes! Great work, Bluestems!There 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Feb.4 – Feb.8

We finally got to use our new sleds at recess 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Jan.21 – Jan.25

The Bluestems are super excited for their upcoming field trip 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Jan.14 – Jan.18

Positively impacting the future, one day at a time... Conference 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Jan.8 – Jan.11

2019: LET'S DO IT! SAVE THE DATE! January 23rd is 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Dec.17 – Dec.21

Farewell, 2018!Book Share! Dexter presenting his book share! Birthday Treats! 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Dec.3 – Dec.7

Hello, December! Bluestem Families, Thank you for all of your 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Nov.26 – Nov.30

Wrapping Up November! Please remember to return your Processfolios, thanks! 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Nov.12 – Nov.16

Legos & Gratitude is all you need! Bluestems' Notes & 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Nov.5 – Nov.9

Bluestems' News & Upcoming Dates Be sure to join us 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Oct.29 – Nov.2

Happy Halloween! REMINDERS: Remember to send in your “Pennies for 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Oct.22 – Oct.26

This week, everybody couldn't stop buzzing about Severson Dells: what 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Oct.15 – Oct.19

Enjoy this glimpse at all the work and fun that 

Intermediate Elementary Supply List 2024-2025

Students are asked to have:

  • Reusable water bottle labeled with student’s name
  • Rain boots for Fall/Spring labeled with student’s name
  • Headphones
  • 1 8oz bottle of hand sanitizer
  • 2 containers of Clorox wipes
  • 2 boxes of Kleenex
  • 1 roll of paper towels
  • 1 three-pack of Expo markers
  • 2 glue sticks
  • 1 package of #2 pencils
  • 1 big eraser
  • 1 24-count of crayons of colored pencils
  • 1 12-count of Crayola washable markers
  • 1 set of Prang watercolor paints
  • 2 one-subject notebooks
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