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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Democratic Republic of Middle Schoolers! Feb. 3 – Feb. 6

Some fun snowman building at recess!

Art fun!

Enjoy our latest Z-Noodles Podcast w/ Creig Day of Rockford ShareFest!

Congratulations Yannik!

Yannik was selected to perform in the Symphonic Honors Band on April 18th. Yannik was chosen to perform through an audition and it is truly an honor to be chosen. Students from 110 school’s auditioned and Yannik made it!

Science experiments with Sharon and Shannon. AND we get to eat M&Ms!

Living History Museum!

Thank you to all of the staff, visitors, other classrooms, etc, that took a moment to walk, talk, and engage with our Living History Museum! These kids put a lot of effort into their presentations; you should be very proud of them!

As always, feel free to email us with any questions, concerns, or even requests for this newsletter!

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