Letters from the GRADS: Annika and Diana!
Different methods of communication!
I’m so proud of all of the progress our students have made during online learning! They have each found their own method of communication that works best for them. Whether it’s phone calls, texts, Zoom conferences, or emails, they have all acquired skills that will help them be successful, life long learners! Attached are just a couple of texts today from different students!
Cloud Art!
Clouds are so high
high in the sky
watching us below
or just passing by
they change every day
as the climate starts to rise
clouds got so many shapes
there isn’t one you could hate
so look out your window today.
History Research Projects!
On Tuesday, we did short history research projects about items which were directly in our line of sight. I learned that before tennis rackets, the French would play with their hands, that Mountain Dew made a drink just for Taco Bell (now during Covid19 sold specialty in cans), and that pine trees are some of the oldest plants in existence today. These kids have shown they can think on their feet, find information quickly and effectively, and teach others about their thinking. What else could we want! Oh yeah – and we have fun!
Some end-of-year Haiku's from Jude and Yannik!

Enjoy our latest ZNoodles Podcast episode with Pablo Korona!
Two more weeks until summer break!
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