Congrats to our 2020 8th Grade Grads!
While we cannot have the end of the year graduation that we planned, we can tell you that being there for these young ladies will make all of our hearts feel good. Please consider joining us for a short social-distance drive-thru-style graduation ceremony. Decorate your cars and cheer them on (while staying in your vehicle of course.)
Enjoy our latest ZNoodles Podcast episode with actor Jesse Munoz!
Here are some 3D projects submitted of a particular element's atom!
Tuesday Morning!
This morning was amazing. My meeting was optional this week, you had work digitally you could do without checking in since grades were already in. Still, ALL these kiddos showed up! We sang to Salem and Ava explains how she is already finding ways to make the project work at home. Dream-catchers and vision boards coming soon! Kat also made an appearance which was awesome, we missed her a bunch.
Cool shot of what happens when you screen share a hangout window. We call it modern art. Enjoy!
"I thought this was so inspirational." - Ms. Aubrey
Toothpick Math Challenge!
On Wednesday, the students were given a toothpick Math challenge! Some samples of the problems are given. I received this video from one student saying, “Finally! After a million tries!”

Very exciting first "get to know you" meeting between potential new classmates next year!

A video "Thank You" to Double-T for all of his help and work with us this year!
See you all Friday for our last-week-of-school recap!
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