Non-standard units of measuring!
Measuring each other’s footprints, among other items, with nonstandard units of measuring. Otis even figured out perimeter!
Afternoon worktime with the Dreamers!
Author's Circle!
Design Thinkers’ Author’s Circle on Tuesday: sharing our “mixed up, mashed up tales for fun” and Maya Angelou-inspired poems!
The Dreamers were so excited to get outside again this week!
Quiet reading and trying astronaut fruit (thank you Mary Beth) while we looked at some pictures from Perseverance. Make sure to ask your Dreamer about the Sun this week!
Happy Birthday Master Otis! We love you!

Thank you Anna for our amazing necklaces!

Ancient Science!
The Middle Schoolers shared their Ancient Science demo projects with us Friday. They did such such a wonderful job! We are inspired to do projects of our own!
Engineering Challenge Friday!
Have a relaxing weekend!
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