Art dedication!
Evan was so proud of his beautiful art work! He stuck with this for 4 work times! Way to go Evan!

Design Thinkers working on Tangram puzzle art with Ms. Pam!
Practicing our engineering skills with marble works, always a hit! Thank you Ms. Prete!
Creating and exploring 3-D shapes: counting faces, edges, and corners!
"What's Missing?" during Math class!
“I am” poems about Honeybees!
It became quite a poetry slam with a lot of enthusiastic clapping and whooping for people’s poems!
Camp Quadrilateral!
Engineering sharing!
What a beautiful day for the parachute!
Getting our brains warmed up and ready for learning!
Rectangle variations!
How many different rectangles can you make using 6 tiles? 7 tiles? 8 tiles? Design Thinkers are stretching themselves spatially.
Thanks for stopping by!
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