Crazy Socks Day!

We had so much fun trying out Upper School’s games this week!
Las Posadas!
Letters to Santa!
We wrote letters to Santa last week! Guess what? He wrote back to each and every one of us!! We were soooo excited!
Gingerbread Men!
We decorated gingerbread men for our holiday treat, so much fun! Thank you Pita, Milena’s mom!

A little building before performance time!
Tradition Sharings!
This week in Early, Audrey shared her beautiful ornaments she decorates her tree with each year, we learned that Milena reads “The Polar Express” with her family every Christmas, Holden enjoys Christmas with Henry the elf and his special story, and Max shared that his family makes sugar cookies and shares a funny story of how squirrels ate the presents right before he was born, every Christmas!
Have a fun-filled Winter Break!
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