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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Early Elementary Highlights! Oct. 10 – Oct. 14

Sensory Bin!

We added an apple pie making sensory bin to our work time options! Holden and Bennett were excited to be the first ones to try it out! Thank you to our parents who donated items to help make this possible!

Rebuilding sentences in Language!

Practicing our letters and cleaning our tables at the same time!

What is your favorite fall activity graph?!

Movement Session with Miss Tara! Duck Duck Goose was their favorite!

Sound Story Performance with Miss Sue!

Performing an Autumn sound story about a farmer, animals and a party to celebrate the changing colors of Fall. We used mallet and percussion instruments to tell our story!

Room On The Broom LIVE!

Early came to Preschool’s class and performed Room On The Broom by Julia Donaldson, narrated by James! The Preschoolers were a great audience!

Have a relaxing weekend!

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