Leftover apples = crockpot applesauce!
Tinsley was so proud of how hard she persevered making her tall building!

Spider Yoga and making spider webs with rulers!
Happy 5th Birthday Serafina!
Our first years practicing letters in Reading Horizons!
How Many Spiders?
During Math, we guessed how many spiders were in our guessing jar and put our guesses in order. We then counted our spiders using ten frames.

Students created Halloween-inspired rhythms and enjoyed singing Mha Ha Ha and playing Boomwhackers in Music!
This Week's Sharers!
Oliver shared his music book, Lavender loved sharing her animal figurines, Holden shared his special Halloween story, and Alex shared her very special top from Japan!
Halloween Treat Party!
Happy Trunk or Treat/Halloween from Early Elementary!
Have a great Halloween weekend!
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