The Explorers worked as a team and put the train puzzle together...WAHOO Explorers!

Making candy canes and patterns!

The letters of your name!
Early this week, the Explorers had to find the letters in their name which were hung on the walls throughout the room. They then had to put them in correct order and write it.
The Fox and the Falling Leaves!
We read the story The Fox and the Falling Leaves. Something magical happens at the end. What? Ask your child and see if they remember. We also made this. Ask your child if they can describe what we made from the book. ( a frosty, crystal, icicle covered tree with glitter and glue!)

Imagineers love their Science! We were making 'rain clouds in a cup'. Experimenting, creating, having fun = Imagineers!
Elf on the Shelf name?
We are decorating our room for Christmas, thanks to the supplies from our “Elf on the Shelf”. When naming the elf, there were several suggestions, but two of my favorites were “Elsa” and “Black”. I’ll bet you those parents know who gave those hehe.
Holiday Video Shoot!
Here’s a few action shots of the Explorers taking on the obstacle course we built earlier Friday!
Science Experiment!
What happens when you mix jello, baking soda, and vinegar? A fun colorful explosion that smells pretty good, too!
Have a relaxing weekend!
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