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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Explorers’ and Imagineers’ Highlights! Sept. 28 – Oct. 2

What a fun week!

The Explorers started the week with golf ball painting which created some really neat designs! Some of the stories we read this week are Walter’s Wonderful Web and Waiting isn’t Easy. We are also learning a new poem Leafy Fun and Zoe is helping us learn the alphabet in sign language. In the afternoon the kids help create a car race game. All the kids lined up at the start line with their car and the judge, with their assistant, would count down to launch. The judge would then determine the winner of the race who would be the new judge. One student happened to notice her shoe has an S on it just like the S in September! We also had some great sharing and building.

The Imagineers had so much fun learning about bugs, we added an extra week learning and looking for them!


3 parts to their body: 6 legs, 2 antenna, and at least 2 eyes!

Here's to a fun October!

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