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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Gummi Bears’ Highlights! Feb. 8 – Feb. 12

Vintage innovation, classroom decor going green!

The Most Dangerous Game!

Reading The Most Dangerous Game, full of wonderful imagery, so we broke out the art supplies to help us visualize! Jude made a a cannibal camp!

Caligraphy Art, and the beginnings of our Starry Night piece with Miss Pam!

Salem previewing her ancient brochure, and Nolan showing off his awesome trading card for their Ancient Civilization projects!

Volume Day, by measuring, calculating, and water displacement, showing great work ethic!

Proud of my students new to my Spanish class...beginning with ice cream. What's not to love?!

Calum came to us with this discovery, a Gauss Canon (according to Douglas!)

Magnetic Makers' Moments!

We had Magnetic Makers’ Moments, experiencing the properties of magnets and designing systems that use magnetic force to stay at rest, make something move, or change direction!

Have a great Valentine's weekend!

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