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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Health Protocols Update for Spectrum School

Excerpt to ALL SCHOOLS from Illinois State Board of Education Superintendent regarding masking:

“The executive order has the force of law. I understand the pressure some school and district leaders may be facing from community members, and I will provide you with every support to understand, communicate, and comply with the order. However, noncompliance is not an option. I will not compromise the health and safety of students or staff, nor will I risk even one child’s life. Local boards of education, schools, and school districts do not have the authority to deny the Governor’s Executive Order requiring universal indoor masking in schools. Doing so not only puts students’ health and safety at risk but also opens the district to extraordinary legal liability – potentially without any insurance to cover damages.”

Spectrum School 2021-22 Health Protocols

  • Universal masking -please provide mask(s) daily for your child(ren). Please keep in mind that younger children tend to soil their masks. Spectrum has a “backup” supply. Masks donations are accepted! 
  • Handwashing and/or hand sanitizing throughout the day 
  • Surface washing and sanitizing 
  • Keeping children home if they are ill, asking for an at home COVID test if the child or a family member has COVID-like symptoms
  • Quarantine for 10 days for positive COVID results, class quarantine if exposure was present
  • Virtual Learning via Zoom or Google Meets, with scheduled connections (with teachers and students) will be available for students who are quarantined 
  • Taking temperatures (per usual) if a child or staff member starts to feel unwell at school, and having a safe, supervised location for a child if there is a fever. 
  • Working, learning, and playing outside as much as feasible
  • Social distancing as feasible, especially inside the classrooms (3 feet)
  • We will be considering broad cohorts (PreK/Early, Intermediate, Middle School) and allowing these groups to mingle internally, during Compass, and for occasions and events (e.g. Interest Groups, All School Shares) across the school.
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