We sent out an email invite this week for In-Take Conferences on Friday, Sept. 13th via SignupGenius. Let us know if you didn’t receive the email. Here is the link to sign up:
How can I help my child be successful in school?

We found several yellow squash in the Spectrum garden at the end of recess today!

Collaborating on our class mission statement!
We had our first sign language class with Ms. Aly today!
Composting Program!
Allyson, a local farmer will be partnering with us to do a composting program at school! She is collecting compost materials from our snacks and lunches every week. She explained the cycle of how this process happens at her farm. Our full composting bins will be swapped out for clean ones each Friday. She is also open to offering this service to families who are interested!
Our final drafts of first day graphs!
Pet Rocks!
PET rocks have been all the rage at recess and Compass this week! Amazing what can happen with imaginations and a little bit of string!

We hope you've enjoyed this Week 1 look inside the classroom! We'll have plenty more engaged learning and exciting activities for you next week from Intermediate Elementary!
As always, feel free to email us with any questions, concerns, or even requests for this newsletter!
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