We have started collecting our non-biodegradable trash to make eco-bricks! We now need water bottles. Please don’t go out to buy them for this purpose, but if you happen to have plastic water bottles at your home or workplace, you can send them in for us (we need the cap and the bottle together). Click the link below to read more about this cool project!
Making Array Posters in Math class!
Summer Snapshot & 1st Week Reflection!
Watch your mailboxes! Students have composed a reflection of our first week and a snapshot of their summer which we are mailing home! It was a great opportunity to review how to address an envelope. Check to see if your child has their address memorized!

Sharing from our Writing Workshop notebook!
Instrument Trial Day!
So exciting seeing what instruments were the student’s favorite!
Learning about Deaf culture with Aly and her friend Chelsea!
Be sure to check back next week for more sneak peaks inside the Intermediate Elementary classroom!
As always, feel free to email us with any questions, concerns, or even requests for this newsletter!
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