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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Intermediate Elementary

Welcome to “Inside the Classroom”! This is a space where we post weekly updates of what’s happening within the walls of our amazing classrooms. Feel free to browse the updates to see what amazing learning adventures our students are having.

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Mar. 17 – Mar. 21

Scavenger Hunt! Leprechauns left a scavenger hunt for treasure. FRED 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Mar. 3 – Mar. 7

Happy 9th Birthday Bennett! Enjoying the music of Ireland with 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 24 – Feb. 28

Experiment Time! We did some different experiments with hot/cold water, 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 18 – Feb. 21

Another great NPR interview!Art Time!Reading Buddies Time!Multiplication work, using yummy 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 10 – Feb. 14

Congratulations to Oliver for winning the $25 gift card to 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 3 – Feb. 7

We made airplanes and tested them out in the commons!First 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 27 – Jan. 31

Painting!We had our NPR interview on Wednesday, they did great!Reading 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 20 – Jan. 24

Some inside recess fun!All School Sharing, hosted by the Makers!Around 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 13 – Jan. 17

Some pictures from inside recess on Monday!It's our favorite time 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 6 – Jan. 10

We came up with some New Years resolutions/goals for school, 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Dec. 16 – Dec. 20

On Monday, we watched the second Narnia movie and wrote 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Dec. 9 – Dec. 13

They did a great job presenting their "I survived" projects!Yule 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Dec. 2 – Dec. 6

A sneak peak into Fred's work-time on Monday!Cultural Night Creating! 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Nov. 18 – Nov. 22

Holiday Program Sneak Peek! Here is a sneak peek at 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Nov. 4 – Nov. 8

Measuring! Practicing measuring with rulers, yard sticks, and tape measures. 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 28 – Nov. 1

Went outside for art on this beautiful Tuesday!We celebrated Carl 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 21 – Oct. 25

Rockford University! Playing in the leaves before another fun day 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 14 – Oct. 18

Rockford University Monday! We had a fun morning with our 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 7 – Oct. 11

We still love quiet reading!When they borrow your phone to 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 30 – Oct. 4

Miss Fabbie is BACK! This week, we had our first 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 23 – Sept. 27

Football Season! Intermediate students learned how to throw a football 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 16 – Sept. 20

Rockford University Reunion! First day with RU this year! They 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 9 – Sept. 13

Quick game of sight word memory and quiet reading before 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 3 – Sept. 6

Measuring different things outdoors!Recess! Some had a short lived reading 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Aug. 26 – Aug. 30

First Day of School!Tower building challenge with just paper and 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! May 13 – May 17

Biographies! Biographies are a lot of work. Oh, if only 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! May 6 – May 10

"Arigatou for beautiful Thank You cards and origami from IE 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! April 29 – May 3

Great job with Japanese flowers arrangement, IkebanMay the 4th be 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Apr. 22 – Apr. 26

Getting our Science Fair boards ready!Anderson Japanese Garden field trip 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Apr. 15 – Apr. 19

NOTE: Science Fair! Wednesday, April 24 from 10:30am-11:30am in the 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Apr. 8 – Apr. 12

Happy Eclipse Day!Feeling spoiled by my birthday surprises, but especially 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Apr. 1 – Apr. 5

Lirpa Loof Birds! Intermediate learned about Lirpa Loof birds on 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Mar. 18 – Mar. 22

Keiko comes to share words and ideas from our Anderson 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Mar. 11 – Mar. 15

Math Venn Diagrams! Thanks, Jen Hassler for this idea! Math 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 26 – Mar. 1

School Garden Thoughts... In preparation for our upcoming trip to 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 20 – Feb. 23

Anemometer Day!Cursive facsination!Spanish Class Afuera! It's was a beautiful day 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 12 – Feb. 16

Intermediate launched their Weather unit this week!Differentiating Math! We made 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 29 – Feb. 2

Getting a start on some elements for our new Science 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 22 – Jan. 26

Fractions Applying equivalent fractions to a real world challenge. Two 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 16 – Jan. 19

Where are the Words by Jodi McKay! Sully noticed the 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Dec. 18 – Dec. 22

Happy Holiday Sock Day from Intermediate! Holiday Factors and Multiples!Las 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Dec. 11 – Dec. 15

Intermediate partners with Upper on design process for Gingerbread houses!Art 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Dec. 4 – Dec. 8

A cute shot of independent reading! Jenni Hassler builds geographic 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Nov. 27 – Dec. 1

Making life-size tracings of our bodies as we learn the 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Nov. 13 – Nov. 17

Beginning our Reptile Interest Group with an animal sort!Co-planning expectations 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Nov. 6 – Nov. 10

The Sense of Taste group hard at work! Julia digs 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 30 – Nov. 3

Trunk or Treat & Haunted Trail Recap!Dia de Muertos! In 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 23 – Oct. 27

Spooky Bernoulli Activities! Why do the balloons come together rather 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 16 – Oct. 20

Amazed by Sully's glaciation and map of the Great Lakes!We 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 9 – Oct. 13

Happy Golden 10th (on the 10th) Birthday Owen! Mastering neat 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 2 – Oct. 6

Nothing does my heart better than walking into a room 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 25 – Sept. 29

Beginning Band's First Day! We learned to put our instruments 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 18 – Sept. 22

Monday morning: draw a picture of a fact about water 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 11 – Sept. 15

Rainy Mondays are great for project time!Water Science! How many 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 5 – Sept. 8

Reader's Spotlight! Our first Reader’s Spotlight was Wednesday! Julia read 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Aug. 28 – Sept. 1

Happy First Day of School! Intermediate and Early got to 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! May 15 – May 19

Bravo to our Intermediate Band members and Recorder players for 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! May 8 – May 12

Geometry Olympics! We have been working hard to learn Geometry, 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! May 1 – May 5

Manipulating for equivalent fractions & making geometric patterns in collaborative 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Apr. 24 – Apr. 28

Survival Interest Group! First, knowing our home address, knowing how 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Apr. 17 – Apr. 21

Orchestra Moves Concert! The Orchestra Moves concert at the Coronado 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Apr. 10 – Apr. 14

Journal writing comparing Spring and Summer! Making an effort to 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Apr. 3 – Apr. 7

IE students re-write Bunnicula first person from a different character's 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Mar. 27 – Mar. 31

Wayside School! Our Wayside School chapter was about a speed 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Mar. 13 – Mar. 17

Learning family relationships in Spanish! Congratulations to Daliyah and Asher 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 27 – Mar. 3

Stump The Teacher! Team huddle to figure out a 5 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 20 – Feb. 24

Thursday's All-School Share!More progress on playing the recorder this week!Have 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 13 – Feb. 17

Telephone! We played the classic Telephone game as an ice 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 6 – Feb. 10

Intermediate adding large numbers with student-constructed problems!Quiet Reading! Our quiet 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 30 – Feb. 3

Morning Journal! Morning journal was: what would you plan if 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 23 – Jan. 27

On Tuesday, we celebrated a whole decade of Asher! Happy 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 17 – Jan. 20

Some days you just need to hear your friends read 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 9 – Jan. 13

IE is working hard on their projects for our project 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 3 – Jan. 6

Thank you to Peregrine's dad, Farmer Ben, for bringing in 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Dec. 12 – Dec. 16

Anchor Charts! This week, we walked through what it is 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Dec. 5 – Dec. 9

Mountain Formation Projects! I’m very proud of my IE students 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Nov. 28 – Dec. 2

We had so much fun with Early Elementary, choosing our 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Nov. 14 – Nov. 18

Intermediate explores resources for our Rocks and Minerals unit!Dreambox Math! 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Nov. 7 – Nov. 11

Beginning Band! Beginning Band members Daliyah and Asher make a 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 31 – Nov. 4

Quiet Reading Time!Bal-A-Vis-X! Miss Mary Beth showed Intermediate more Bal-A-Vis-X 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 24 – Oct. 28

Morning Activities! Lots happening in the IE classroom this morning! 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 17 – Oct. 21

Buddy Time! We read 10 Apples Up On Top and 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 10 – Oct. 14

Music with Miss Sue! It has been a tradition in 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Oct. 3 – Oct. 7

All-School Share! Intermediate Elementary led the All-School Share on Tuesday 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 26 – Sept. 30

It was a beautiful day to walk to RU for 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 19 – Sept. 23

Old Joe Clark! Students enjoying a square dance to Old 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 12 – Sept. 16

What A Beautiful Tuesday! This crew was grateful for a 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 6 – Sept. 9

Our kiddos practicing Spanish with Mary Beth and doing pattern 

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Aug. 29 – Sept. 2

Lots of wonderful choice/work time happening in Intermediate!Take the weekend 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! May 16 – May 20

Preparing auction items to be sent home! Thank you again 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! May 9 – May 13

Beautiful live music from the Rockford Symphony string quartet Monday 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! May 2 – May 6

Our Monet-inspired Japanese garden bridges!Making origami samurai hats for Children’s 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Apr. 25 – Apr. 29

PE at RU!Exploring the wonders of Anderson Gardens...Arigato Keiko! 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Apr. 18 – Apr. 22

A snowy Monday walk to RU for PE! Our next 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Apr. 11 – Apr. 15

Trailblazers learning soft pastel techniques to use in our llama 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Mar. 28 – Apr. 1

Congratulations to the following band students for earning medals at 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Mar. 14 – Mar. 18

Pi Day Activities! Trailblazers completed a “Measuring Circles” activity where 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Mar. 7 – Mar. 11

Please return your field trip forms for our visit to 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Feb. 28 – Mar. 4

Sharing the hard work on our Antarctica projects and practicing 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Feb. 21 – Feb. 25

Interest Groups! Book Creators and Art Auction Adventurers: writing stories, 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Feb. 14 – Feb. 18

Trailblazers are going to begin preparations for our art auction 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Feb. 7 – Feb. 11

World Explorers sing about the Big Game! The World Explorers 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Jan. 31 – Feb. 4

We had a successful European Museum sharing Monday! Thank you 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Jan. 24 – Jan. 28

Angles, Prisms, and Pyramids...OH MY! The Orange group worked on 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Jan. 17 – Jan. 21

Identifying rhythm patterns with partners during our music lesson!Measuring perimeter 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Jan. 10 – Jan. 14

Movement lessons and yoga with Miss Amber! Celebrating the 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Jan. 3 – Jan. 7

Sledding fun at recess!3D Radial relief sculptures using three different 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Dec. 13 – Dec. 17

Trailblazers pine cone makers!The World Explorers played a Composer matching 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Dec. 6 – Dec. 10

Monday, we celebrated Amora's birthday!!! Maasai Book Projects! On Tuesday, 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Nov. 29 – Dec. 3

The Trailblazers loved playing Bag the Beanbag for our movement 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Nov. 15 – Nov. 19

Beginning our first printing projects with artist in residence Ms. 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Nov. 8 – Nov. 12

Photo Investigation! Both IE groups collaborated during a photo investigation 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Nov. 1 – Nov. 5

Another fun tennis lesson with Coach Dan!Highlights from our Day 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Oct. 25 – Oct. 29

Partner-reading Chris Van Allsburg books looking for the “extraordinary in 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Oct. 18 – Oct. 22

Practicing paper organization and writing informational beginnings using nonfiction mystery 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Oct. 11 – Oct. 15

Supply Request: Miss Sue is in the process of putting 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Oct. 4 – Oct. 8

Trailblazers planned and painted their table caddies before the impending 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Sept. 27 – Oct. 1

Giraffe Cards! Using the Giraffe Cards app to practice multiplication 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Sept. 20 – Sept. 24

Working on creating a Trailblazer class logo!Busy morning making progress 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Sept. 13 – Sept. 17

Rock Paper Scissors with some Spectrum twists! Continents! 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Sept. 6 – Sept. 10

Curling up with our books for daily independent reading time!On 

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Aug. 30 – Sept. 3

Ms. Kelli and the... TRAIL BLAZERS! It was a close 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! May 17 – May 25

Getting started on our summer reading lists with a book 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! May 10 – May 14

Leona shared her writing workshop story “Astrocat’s Diary"! Personal 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! May 3 – May 7

A week from Thursday, on May 13th, we will be 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Apr. 26 – Apr. 30

We finished our fraction number line during Math on Monday!Beginning 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Apr. 19 – Apr. 23

Just a heads up…Monday, we discussed and practiced an intruder 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Apr. 12 – Apr. 16

stamps, Stamps, STAMPS! Going through Miss Pam’s stamp collection for 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Apr. 5 – Apr. 9

Fraction work during Math!Reading! This week, we engaged in both 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Mar. 29 – Apr. 1

The Brainstormers finished a timeline showing all the people from 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Mar. 15 – Mar. 19

Monday morning yoga with Ms. Tammie!Learning how to add decimals 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Mar. 8 – Mar. 12

Creat-ova-tors kicking off their week with a yoga session!Using “Stop 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Mar. 1 – Mar. 4

Happy Birthday to Jace and Nathan, who completed their birthday 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Feb. 22 – Feb. 26

Shades of Meaning! Arranging synonyms by level of intensity in 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Feb. 15 – Feb. 19

CLICK HERE for the link to put your child onto 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Feb. 8 – Feb. 12

Word Wall! We collaborated to make a classroom Word Wall 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Feb. 1 – Feb. 5

Song for a Whale! Song for a Whale has been 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Jan. 25 – Jan. 29

Creat-ova-tors have been working hard on their digital processfolios for 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Jan. 18 – Jan. 22

Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up for both classes on Friday, 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Jan. 11 – Jan. 15

Creat-ova-tors' Reminders: -Please make sure your Creat-ova-tor's device is fully 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Jan. 5 – Jan. 8

Winter Wonderland!Our Japanese work with Ms. Keiko!Happy New Year! As 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Dec. 7 – Dec. 11

Hike Break! After cursive writing practice and finishing artwork in 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Nov. 30 – Dec. 4

Outdoor Music class with Mrs. Puetz!The Creat-ova-tors started a new 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Nov. 16 – Nov. 20

Our latest project based investigation: Floating Cities!Creating Japanese New Years 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Nov. 9 – Nov. 13

A group of students from Sally's cohort participated in this 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Nov. 2 – Nov. 6

Figuring out the volume of our classroom in cubic meters! 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Oct. 26 – Oct. 30

Continuing our architecture study and designing our Frank Lloyd Wright 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Oct. 19 – Oct. 23

The Brainstormers need some donations for a project next week, 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Oct. 12 – Oct. 16

The Brainstormers testing out ideas and collaborating with teams for 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Oct. 5 – Oct. 9

Our guitar gals proudly sharing their instruments!Yoga practice with Ms. 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Sept. 28 – Oct. 2

Chris Grabenstein presentation! The Creat-ova-tors attended a virtual presentation by 

Brainstormers and Creatovators’ Highlights! Sept. 21 – Sept. 25

Puffball dissection during recess!The Brainstormers adding to their Picasso guitars, 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Sept. 14 – Sept. 18

Scholastic Book Clubs is the best possible partner to help 

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Sept. 8 – Sept. 10

First-week-of-school birthday: Happy 10th Birthday, Lorien! Some book caddy construction: 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! May 25 – May 29

Last Day Zoom Picnic & Bingo!Thank you so much for 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! May 18 – May 22

Spirit Days for the last week of school! Tuesday 10:00AM 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! May 11 – May 15

Check out this fun activity from Kelli's math group that 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Apr. 27 – May 1

An incredible source for children's books, and it's FREE to 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Apr. 20 – Apr. 24

Friday April 17th was International Haiku Day. Here are some 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Apr. 13 – Apr. 17

Genius Hour Intro! Genius Hour proposals and pitches! Our 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Apr. 6 – Apr. 9

Nathan's skeletal system research! Dexter's fraction combinations! Ryan and Bear's 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Mar. 30 – Apr. 3

Recap Here's just a handful of things discussed this week 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Mar. 23 – Mar. 27

Zoom! We learned a lot with our first ZOOM meeting 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Mar. 9 – Mar. 13

Please remind students to have water bottles here throughout the 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Mar. 2 – Mar. 6

If you are participating in our "Bring Your Own Device" 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Feb. 24 – Feb. 28

Celebrating dental health month with an informational scavenger hunt!Congrats to 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Feb. 18 – Feb. 20

Nathan's Trombone Solo! Nathan practiced his trombone solo with piano 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Feb. 10 – Feb. 14

Bravo to the students who participated in the Future Problem 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Feb. 3 – Feb. 6

It was a short and busy week here with the 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Jan. 27 – Jan. 31

Please remember to go to this link and sign up 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Jan. 21 – Jan. 24

Pandebono! Novella shared homemade Pandebono (Colombian Cheese Bread) with our 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Jan. 13 – Jan. 17

Spies! Learning about spies during the American Revolution. We shared 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Jan. 6 – Jan. 10

One of our Board members came across an out-of-school online 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Dec. 16 – Dec. 20

Holiday Show dress rehearsal!We wish nothing but a relaxing, magical, 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Dec. 9 – Dec. 13

Gingerbread! Ask your Recy-COOL Kid how Gingerbread helped save the 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Dec. 2 – Dec. 6

Here is a link to our classroom's Google Calendar! Recy-COOL 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Nov. 18 – Nov. 22

Our students proudly sharing their hard work during Processfolio Night!Ecobricks 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Nov. 12 – Nov. 15

Japanese class! Writing names in Japanese with adzuki red beans 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles: Nov. 4 – Nov. 8

THANK YOU ALL for your donations for our Ecobricks! Our 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Oct. 28 – Nov. 1

We are collecting some cereal/snack food boxes for a project. 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Oct. 21 – Oct. 25

A Sign Up Genius invitation was sent to each family 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Oct. 14 – Oct. 18

Field Trip to Rockford University: Monday, Oct. 21st 8:40-9:40AM. Please 

Recy-COOL Kids’ Chronicles! Oct. 7 – Oct. 11

We had a great time with Angelic Organics this week! 

Introducing: The Intermediate Recy-Cool Kids! Sept. 30 – Oct. 3

Read below and let us know if you can help! 

Intermediate Elementary: Sept. 23 – Sept. 27

Reminders & Notes: Please remind your students to bring their 

Intermediate Elementary: Sept. 16 – Sept. 20

Each classroom is organizing a raffle basket for the Fall 

Intermediate Elementary: Sept. 9 – Sept. 13

We have started collecting our non-biodegradable trash to make eco-bricks! 

Intermediate Elementary: Sept. 3 – Sept. 6

WELCOME! We sent out an email invite this week for 

Bluestems’ Dossier: May 20 – May 24

Last lunch of the school year! Highlights from the Spectrum 

Bluestems’ Dossier: May 13 – May 17

Field Trip on Friday, May 24 9:00am-11:00am Don Carter Lanes 

Bluestems’ Dossier: May 6 – May 10

Bluestems' Notes: - Our field trip to Angelic Organics has 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Apr.29 – May.3

REMINDER! If your student will be performing in Hairspray Jr 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Apr.22 – Apr.26

Happy Earth Day! Here's ways the Bluestem class celebrate Earth 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Apr.15 – Apr.19

We are excited about the Fun Day, Run Day on 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Apr.8 – Apr.12

Upcoming Schedule: Monday 4/15 Interest Groups Tuesday 4/16 Interest Groups 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Apr.1 – Apr.5

We had a wonderful time at our field trip to 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Mar.18 – Mar.22

Snapshots of our Bookmaking Station and other activities during our 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Mar.11 – Mar.15

Bluestems' Friendly Reminders: We need drivers for two field trips 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Mar.4 – Mar.8

IQRA Collaboration Our cultural exchange with IQRA School of Rockford 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Feb.25 – Mar.1

Learning Japanese numbers, colors, and greetings! Ichi, ni, san, shi!Our 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Feb.19 – Feb.22

Bluestems' Notes: Super exciting news!!! Our class and Early Elementary 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Feb.11 – Feb.15

Bluestems' Scrum Section Genius Hour-themed Valentine boxes! Great work, Bluestems!There 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Feb.4 – Feb.8

We finally got to use our new sleds at recess 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Jan.21 – Jan.25

The Bluestems are super excited for their upcoming field trip 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Jan.14 – Jan.18

Positively impacting the future, one day at a time... Conference 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Jan.8 – Jan.11

2019: LET'S DO IT! SAVE THE DATE! January 23rd is 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Dec.17 – Dec.21

Farewell, 2018!Book Share! Dexter presenting his book share! Birthday Treats! 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Dec.3 – Dec.7

Hello, December! Bluestem Families, Thank you for all of your 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Nov.26 – Nov.30

Wrapping Up November! Please remember to return your Processfolios, thanks! 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Nov.12 – Nov.16

Legos & Gratitude is all you need! Bluestems' Notes & 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Nov.5 – Nov.9

Bluestems' News & Upcoming Dates Be sure to join us 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Oct.29 – Nov.2

Happy Halloween! REMINDERS: Remember to send in your “Pennies for 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Oct.22 – Oct.26

This week, everybody couldn't stop buzzing about Severson Dells: what 

Bluestems’ Dossier: Oct.15 – Oct.19

Enjoy this glimpse at all the work and fun that