Stump The Teacher!
Team huddle to figure out a 5 point question for Stump the Teacher…they decided on one that was indeed worth five points!
R.I.P Dribbles
Some students chose to write and perform a funeral service for Dribbles the Turtle, whose demise is in the last chapter of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.
Poster Campaign!
Intermediate is working on their poster campaign for Empathy for Endangered Animals. A graphic designer in Argentina will be working remotely with students on their graphics!
Second year Early students and half of Intermediate had an amazing Hopscotch worktime on Wednesday afternoon!
April Concert w/ RSO!
Preparation has begun for Intermediate’s concert in April participating with area schools and the Rockford Symphony Orchestra. We are learning to sing Cidade Maravilhosa (Beautiful City) in Portuguese. It is the anthem of Rio de Janeiro!

Recorders Progress!
Our students are making so much progress on their recorders! Congratulations Arnnav for earning your white recorder belt!
Teamwork Tower!
In this activity, we fully expected the tower to collapse before it reached this height… but with teamwork and steady hands, they made the tower even taller than me!
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