Wayside School!
Our Wayside School chapter was about a speed artist who was guided to slow down. We compared our 5 minute drawings to 2 or 1 minute drawings.
Congrats Brianna & Paxton!
Congratulations Brianna and Paxton for earning black belts for Recorder Karate! Now Brianna and Paxton become recorder student teachers and will help their fellow students earn their belts too! Intermediates are preparing for The Orchestra Moves Concert on April 19th at 10:00 at the Coronado. Permission slips will go home on Wednesday!

Back at RU!
Intermediate had a blast their first week back at Rockford University! We have been getting a lot of physical education in and it has been wonderful!
My Mighty Mathematicians showing how they represent numbers and equations with place value blocks!
Tennis with Coach Dan is a sure sign that the weather is warming up!
During Thursday’s All School Sharing, EfEA updated students on their awesome accomplishments and showed everyone what they have planned next!
Have a relaxing weekend!
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