Beginning our first printing projects with artist in residence Ms. Jane and her assistant Ms. Laura!
We learned a new thinking game from Africa this week called Shisima. Brayden and Asher also shared their strategies for forcing an opponent out of the middle!
Independent reading in the Trailblazers’ classroom!
The Trailblazers really enjoyed Monday's read aloud, a book called Emmanuel’s Dream!

World Explorers exploring different patterns and strategies for different games!
Trailblazers learning the game Mancala!
After reading Wangari’s Trees of Peace, we learned about the Green Belt Movement in Africa and completed a challenge to build a tree of peace using 15 pipe cleaners. Emotions discussed after planning and executing the plans: excitement, stress, disappointment, frustration, hope, and joy. Thursday, we will discuss ways to encourage peace in our school environment.
The World Explorers have been reading so many great stories from the continent of Africa!
Another Holiday Program sneak peek, working on the choreography with Miss Sue!

We had an impromptu harp concert today by former Spectrum student Emily Wonder!

Trail Blazers' artwork is stunning!

Keiko shared the special edition Pokémon Oreos with us today. Arigato!
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