The Sense of Taste group hard at work!

Julia digs into the human eye!

Brain and Nerve Diagrams!
We had beautiful books from the Rockford Public Library for brain and nerve diagram research on Tuesday.
Several students began building their nervous system models...edible, of course!
The Candy Man!
Brianna from Upper taught Intermediates sign language to the song, The Candy Man for our Holiday program. Brianna did a great job and Intermediates were very receptive to her teaching! Thank you Miss Aly for teaching Brianna.
Sully’s routine for starting his day: arrive at school…meditate!

Sense Organ Models!
Building our sense organ models…involving creative design (they wanted to make them edible), problem solving collaboration, and sharing!
The Final Product: here are the models!
Learning to lead sensory activities!
Running our sensing stations – so impressed with the students. Thanks Jenni Hassler for helping pull stuff together, and all the parents who supplied their children.
Preschoolers looking at optical illusions with Julia, mystery boxes with Oliver, and hearing games with Eyden and Lavender!
Eating our models!
Special Visitor!
A visit from U.S. Army Specialist Chriest (retired) and his lovely wife of 50 years, Sherry. Thanks for sharing your grandpa with us, Ms. MacKenzie!
A glimpse inside our busy Art room; it's been a week full of awesome Art making!
Have a relaxing weekend!
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