Spooky Bernoulli Activities!
Why do the balloons come together rather than spread apart? Why does the “wing” go up? How do you make a foil ball “float”?
Digraph Hunt with Ban This Book Reading Club!

Tea Bag Ghosts?!
After every attempt at floating the tea bag ghosts didn’t work, someone had a “what if” suggestion. I liked the thinking. Here are the survivors!

C'mon, Candy Corn!
Another struggle to get the toothpicks into candy corn without the candy falling apart! What was going to be mini geodesic domes turned into open design…with Kenneth and Anna showing off their chopstick skills.
Ailena, Arnnav, and Eyden play our dinosaur place value game!
Becoming experts at Book Creator!
We got a compression canoe to help relax our wiggles, but the non-wiggles like it, too!

Addams Family Game with Miss Sue!
I was so proud of Intermediates. Great job working as a team playing the Addams Family cup passing game! (video on our Community Facebook page)
Have a relaxing weekend!
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