Reader's Spotlight!
Our first Reader’s Spotlight was Wednesday! Julia read Alma and How She Got Her Name to the Intermediate and Early students. She did a wonderful job! Look for future reader’s, coming soon…
Hola from Spanish Class!
Oh how I wish I could encapsulate into this post all the songs the kids are singing, the ways they are moving out of their comfort zones to speak new words, and how hard they’re working! It’s been a great week and a half learning how to say our name, ask someone else’s name, recite the days of the week, and say good afternoon/see you later! It’s been a delight.
Band Instrument Tryout Day!
Puzzles, curiosities, KWLs, and drawings during the launching of our Water unit!
Bucket Drumming!
We started bucket drumming this week! We learned different ways to play the buckets: on the head, sides, rim, and clicking our sticks. Right now, we work in teams alternating using drums and body percussion. We are learning to read rhythms, starting with the easiest this week. We also played rhythms with an accompanying track. We will eventually play our buckets with well-known popular tunes!
Engaged in end-of-book puzzles!
Our initial questions about water!

"Thinking about Division" poster by Livia and Robin!

Learning how to navigate Chromebooks and signing in with their own emails!
We finally got to Yoga with Early Elementary students on Thursday!
Have a relaxing weekend!
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