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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from Jacque Lind: Explaining Spectrum Processfolios! November 11, 2022

Dear Spectrum Family and Friends,

Spectrum Progressive School has always prided itself on the strong partnership the staff shares with both the students and parents. For the past 25+ years, we have found one of the best ways that teachers can communicate a student’s progress is not just through progress reports and standardized measurements, but by collecting a sampling of student’s work throughout their journey, year to year, through Spectrum’s Processfolios. 

Research has proven portfolio assessment to be an authentic measurement of a student’s progress. At Spectrum, for Early, Intermediate, and Upper classrooms, students are expected to share a collection of their current work with their parents and teachers three times a year. Various selections are made to add to the students’ permanent portfolio.

We have scheduled the first Processfolio selections to take place on Thursday, December 8, 2022, 3:30pm – 5:30pm in your child’s classroom. This is a window of time when you can drop in with your child and spend time going through a sampling of work he or she has accomplished since the beginning of the year.  Together, with their child, parents can make selections to keep in their permanent portfolio and discuss progress and future goals.  Teachers will be available to help with this process.  

Two more times during the year, Processfolios will be sent home to discuss and make selections with your child. Student portfolios are passed on year to year to the classroom teacher, and/or as students get older they complete their Processfolios digitally. When a student graduates or leaves Spectrum, they will have a body of work that shows their progression through Spectrum School. 

We look forward to bringing back in-person Processfolio Night this winter, and to hearing and seeing your child’s (and your) excitement about their learning during the first half of the school year. 


Mrs. Jacque Lind

Early Elementary Teacher & Early Childhood Lead

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