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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Board: Mar. 4, 2022

Interest Group Reflection from Board Member Alan Robinson:

Everybody has a story to tell.  Our imaginations allow us to embellish those stories.  The challenge is to manifest those stories and tell the world.   On Feb. 22, 2022, five young boys (Cameron, EJ, Noah, Parker, and Wyat) at Spectrum School chose to unleash their imaginations, travel to the edge of the universe and the depths of their minds, and design characters to populate these extraordinary stories.  All of this became possible when time was set aside for students to pursue personal interests and temporarily reside in their fertile imaginations.

For decades, Spectrum School has made time each year to allow students to identify personal interests typically outside the scope of a school day.  Once student interests are revealed, faculty and staff seek subject matter specialists to guide the interest group activity (often themselves).  Blocks of time are arranged, field trips scheduled, in-depth study undertaken, and energy focused.

During the week of Feb. 22-25, these five boys began developing a comic book, a graphic novella, the transformation of a student following an archeological dig, a battle with the devil, and the luck of finding a magical device to elevate a character to special powers.  Illustrations were drawn, comic book scenes painted, the devil’s domain brought to life, and words were assembled.  By the end of the week, a digital copy of each book was almost ready, at the end of the process, a hardcover book will be printed for each story for future enjoyment.

A big shout out needs to go to these five young boys who were willing to take a chance and let their imaginations intersect with their personal lives.  They now know they can Write a Book.

Alan Robinson
Board Member
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