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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Board: Nov. 8, 2019

Spectrum Family and Friends,

It’s hard to believe that we are into November already. As I’m sure you know, there are lots of things happening at Spectrum. That goes for Board activities as well. Many of you may not know this, but the Spectrum Board of Directors is composed of all volunteers. They meet at least once a month for a full board meeting as well as attend committee meetings and are constantly looking for solutions to current issues, including looking for new ways to better the experience that every member of the Spectrum community. All of this while they take care of their families, work their jobs, and continue living their lives. I’ve been on the Board for a while now, and I have met and worked with some great people. They take on issues and solve problems with an amazing energy for the simple reason of keeping Spectrum the wonderful school we all enjoy.

A current issue we are working on is how the school handles fundraising. Spectrum has a rich tradition of not just asking for a handout but providing a quality community event that also returns funds to help the school in many ways including technology, facility upgrades, and tuition assistance. A great example was the Fall Fest we all enjoyed back in September. Of course, none of these events would be possible without the dedicated volunteers that do everything from planning and securing a venue to staffing games and cleaning up the aftermath of a fun day. We realize that every one of us are leading busy lives and that squeezing out some time to volunteer can take effort. We are working on our organizational skills to best use our volunteers to make our fundraisers high quality, enjoyable events for everyone involved including those who do the work. To those who we count on to bring us these events, thank you. To those who may be looking for a fun and fulfilling experience, welcome. If you are interested, please ask about signing up to make some memories and feel proud of being involved with one of our fundraising events.

Thank you everyone. Keep up the good work.

Charles Barnes
Spectrum Board President 2019-2020

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