My name is Claire Rotolo and I am a longtime friend and advocate of Spectrum School. I was for several years the Principal/Coordinator of Spectrum School and I am a firm believer in and supporter of Spectrum’s philosophy of education. I truly believe that we must meet the child where the child is, and move forward from there, aware and attuned to the child’s needs, interests, and talents. Family, student, and Spectrum working together in the best interests of the child make for a strong and successful support team. These last few years you may have seen me subbing in Preschool and or Early Elementary and even in Middle Elementary and Upper School or working in the gardens and outdoor areas. Please stop and say hello when you see me – I would truly enjoy meeting you!
We are in the process of reinvigorating the Education Committee of Spectrum and reconnecting with all of you. The Education Committee is a group of educators, parents, and friends of Spectrum which has been charged by the Spectrum Board to be a liaison with Parents, Staff, Administration, and Board in supporting the Spectrum Community. We meet to listen to and cheer accomplishments, to hear and help resolve concerns, to research potential responses and solutions to suggestions and new educational issues, to support staff interaction and development, and help to connect Spectrum to the community at large.
We generally meet monthly in late afternoon or early evening for an hour or two at most. Now here comes the BIG ASK: and WE NEED YOU! We invite family input and involvement. The Committee wants your input, your questions, your ideas, your suggestions, your concerns. This process of educating children is indeed a community effort! If you are willing to serve on the Education Committee this school year, please contact me at [email protected]
We anticipate our first meeting to be in November. Join us!
Claire Rotolo
Education Committee Chair