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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: August 5, 2022

Spectrum Families and Friends, 

Educators experience August as a “down-to-the-wire” planning and preparation time. Spectrum teachers have met throughout the summer to think and collaborate on what is promising to be a remarkable year.

Spectrum’s 2022-23 School Handbook is included with this mailing, and available on our website (click here). Of special note is the explanation in the front part of the handbook of our initiatives and continuous improvement efforts this year. There will also be an updated FAQ coming later in the month for families new to Spectrum.

Let me say again, WELCOME and WELCOME BACK to this unique and sweet little school.

Be on the lookout this week for a Spectrum School Outreach flier that we ask you share with families and friends who might consider a Spectrum education for their children. You get a tuition credit of $200 if a referral leads to an enrollment! 

Families of Preschool and Early students, the teachers are planning a pretty amazing Early Childhood playdate on August 10 from 10-11am, with the theme of CIRCLES! We hope many of you attend, connect, and have fun with us!

The Back-to-School Supply Drop Off on August 25 will be from 2:00pm-6:00pm. Teachers and assistants will be present to connect, orient students to their rooms, and address any questions you may still have. You will also have a chance to learn about volunteer opportunities.

Included within that timeframe will be 20 minute sessions throughout the day for new family orientations. Finally, there will be opportunities to meet Board members and to connect with me, Marci, Aly, or Gloria. I look forward to seeing everyone then!


Dr. Mary Beth Cunat

Principal – Spectrum Progressive School of Rockford

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