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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Dec. 17, 2021

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends,

I had so much fun with Megan and Melissa and the kids at Compass, making graham cracker gingerbread mini-houses. It is a good reminder that for children, everything is new. Belief comes as easily as breathing.

Let’s pay attention to their moments of magic, their wows of wonder. Let their laughter lighten the season. Let their wide-eyed surprise soothe sorrow, and help heal hurts and dull disappointments. 

What could be more important than making space for the children in our lives to experience the joy of the season – togetherness, warmth, generosity, and love?

Have a wonderful winter break. 

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat

Principal – Spectrum School  

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