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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Dec. 7, 2018

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends,

I am AGAIN impressed and grateful with the level of commitment from our parents and our PTO leaders. The Holiday Market has been a beautiful, collaborative event, and the children are having so much fun. I hear them talking about who they got what, laughing as they wrap, giggling with older buddies and each other. Melissa Prete told me she thought it was so cute the different names children have for their family members. How many ways do you think there are to say Grandpa?

Today’s volunteer efforts put us up to the 83% mark for parent volunteers. Someone asked me how will we keep the momentum so we continue to have volunteers for winter and spring events. As we make an effort to track who volunteers for what, our plan is to have volunteer recognition mid-year and end of year at the bronze, silver, gold, and platinum levels. We want you to know how much we appreciate your time and energy on behalf of the children, staff, and Board of Spectrum School!

Speaking of service, we had news coverage for our Pennies for Patients campaign! Students who brought in the most change made quite a picture emptying thousands of coins into Coinstar, who then donates the coins directly to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society without a fee. Altogether, we brought in $746.81 to help fight childhood cancer. As Felix pointed out during All-School Share yesterday, we also had some damaged coins, foreign coins, game tokens, and a few lithium batteries!

I hope you are planning to come to the Holiday Program on December 20 at 6:30PM and the Holiday Luncheon on December 21 from 11:00AM – 1:00PM. Information has been sent home in folders and is on the school website. Both are important times for our community to come together and celebrate our children and our blessings. Students are working hard to put on a great show, I can’t wait to see it!

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat




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