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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Feb. 28, 2020

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends, 

February was a whirlwind, with progress reports, conferences, Interest Groups, Career Day, and this week’s Open House. We are in great shape as a school at every level, with working Board committees, an active PTO, an exceptional teaching force, amazing administrative support, and, best of all, wonderful students and families. There is a lot of interest in our school. 

We’ve had some feedback about families not knowing where to go to find information. We developed this one-page reference in hopes it helps. Please let me or the teachers know if you are not getting any of the communication as indicated. (FYI you need to accept the invitation to PTBoard to access the school directory.) We are looking into (for next school year) streamlining what we can into a single mobile app, but for now this document will help our communications system make sense to those who are wondering. 

A special shout out and thank you to Sue Puetz for leading our school bands in several concerts this week. We are so blessed to be able to offer band as a program, and Sue goes above and beyond every week to make this possible.

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat 

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