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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Feb. 5, 2021

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends,

I am not sure if families other than Middle School are aware of a new situation at school. Our Middle School science teacher Blazey has moved on, and I have taken on teaching Middle School science and expanded my Spanish instruction to all Middle School students. My head is very much in teaching mode most of the day, so there may be times I am a little less responsive, a little more rushed, or sometimes grammatically incorrect in an email. Please forbear! What is best for Middle School right now is the stability I bring, as well as my love of teaching science and Spanish. I have some help in a new teaching assistant named Douglas Mertzenich, who just graduated with a chemistry degree and is of great help in the hands-on, inquiry-based science we are bringing to the students (as well as anything Aubrey, an amazing teaching partner, and I ask of him).
As I work with students more, I have a desire to improve the legibility of their handwriting. As all Spectrum teachers do every time there is a move to teach a unit, we research, find resources, try to find ways to make learning relevant and fun, and put the best learning opportunities in front of children that we can. I recently watched and shared this video with the Middle Schoolers Why write? Penmanship for the 21st Century | Jake Weidmann | TEDxMileHigh I thought it might be of interest to many of you. It felt to me like a personal project, a Genius Hour Project, a Passion Project, and an Interest Group on steroids all at once. As Spectrum-y as it gets.
I dislike sounding like I am begging or nagging, but we really need to reinvigorate the Go Fund Me campaign. Maybe this is the month for those of you who have not donated or promoted to do so. Some classes are halfway there, while others are simply not getting much response. Please give back to Spectrum as you can.

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat


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