I had to spend several days away from school these last two weeks to care for a family member. Coming back was such a joy. First, things went so smoothly in my absence. The team really pulled together to run the school. As far as our IE classroom, Heather, with the help of Jenni Hassler (a parent and new Board member) ensured students didn’t miss a beat…they actually thrived. I was really impressed that they made the most amazing playing cards of the first 26 elements of the Periodic Table.
I share this because it takes a really strong, coherent, and team-based organization to be able to fill in for each other the way we do at Spectrum. I don’t take it for granted. In reviewing progress reports and reading the documentation of student learning and growth, I could not be more proud of our students and staff, of our sweet little school.
Dr. Mary Beth Cunat
Principal – Spectrum Progressive School of Rockford