One of my mentors used to say, “January until Spring Break – instructional prime time!” There is something about the mid-Winter that brings the energy in. The routines and relationships are established so that classroom time is maximized. Spectrum teachers, I’ve noticed, tend to over-plan, then feel like we aren’t getting things done; but even with inclement weather (and in IE’s case stuffy-dominated Zoom sessions) we have a sense of momentum.
Even as a small not-for-profit school with no “grades”, we monitor and assess learning. Our goal and measure of success is to ensure that every child is making academic and social-emotional progress. Your support of this is critical.
Parents, please ensure that your child is getting enough sleep, coming to school with a healthy lunch and snack (no sugary beverages please), having appropriate winter-wear, and is reading at home.
For those of you who do not need these reminders, thank you.
Dr. Mary Beth Cunat
Principal – Spectrum Progressive School of Rockford