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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Jan. 7, 2022

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends,

Early next week, you will be getting individualized emails from myself with information about two online resources we are introducing this semester. I am ecstatic about the student response to these resources so far. 

ThinkThink School Edition is a visual reasoning application that cultivates engineering thinking, spatial reasoning, pattern finding, problem solving, and trial-and-error strategies. It does not involve any reading. It has a wide range of games organized by up to four levels. It will be available to PreK – Intermediate for all students, and I am setting up several Middle School students as well. I was able to get a semester of this internationally acclaimed resource for free, and am hoping our students can spend 10-15 minutes a couple times a week playing it. We will be providing time and devices at school, but it would be great for those of you who see value in this work to give them time to play at home. 

The second resource is an online Math platform called Dreambox Learning. I have subscriptions for Intermediate and most Middle School students. Dreambox leverages adaptive technology and artificial intelligence to provide Math instruction for students at the exact level of growth. It uses a wide array of interactive challenges. Students have to figure out “how to” in a game-based environment, using Math and mathematics reasoning in different ways that guide deeper conceptual understanding of Math, not just completing problems. Teachers are also able to assign lessons and track progress on essential Math skills and strategies. Students will be expected to spend time at home on Dreambox, ideally 20 minutes three times a week. I hope they want to do more. 

I strongly believe interacting with puzzles and games in the digital universe is critical for fostering “unhackable” brains. Please look for these emails from me early next week. 

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat

Principal – Spectrum School  

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