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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: May 14, 2021

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends,

As you receive progress reports and participate in conferences, please take some time with your child to examine and ask questions about his/her learning portfolios. Whether digital or physical (binders and folders) or both, this is a collection of work samples and reflections of your child’s year. It is a chance to learn more about your child as a learner and student. 

Archiving, reflecting on, and curating student work is something to which many schools aspire, but it is really challenging to pull off. However, it is one of Spectrum’s trademark strengths: personalizing and including the children in the assessment and feedback process, painting a fuller picture of your child’s social-emotional growth and academic progress. 

Hmm…..never noticed how well those two very important words line up…if you want to know progress, pay attention to process….

I hope you enjoy your children as you sit and hear them tell you about their work.

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat


Spectrum School  

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