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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: May 15, 2020

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends, 

As I sat in front of my computer screen this Monday morning, I found I had nothing much to say that I haven’t already said. Cheers to the teachers, reassurances that we are here, love to the students. Then I couldn’t get Facebook Live to load properly, and I postponed doing a live connection. I asked myself if anyone would really miss it anyway. 

That is one of the challenges of social media and virtual connections. They can be recorded, commented on, liked and disliked, questioned, challenged, or endorsed, but they are not necessarily nurturing, no matter how many hearts and “thumbs up” are given. I have found there is a sense of obligation, of showing up, to show that I am showing up…for what or who or why…if it is just to say I showed up? Does anyone really notice? I’m not saying this to garner reassurance – I am just aware of the feelings in the moment. 

If I am feeling this as a principal of a wonderful school who also has a very present and loving family, how much more might children be feeling it who may not have the life experience, connections, and support in their lives to manage the sense of disconnect? 

Then, we have the polarization of opinions -masks or no masks, attend to the social, emotional and/or economic trauma or get back to business as usual, worry about academic gaps or disregard the standards and tests that create them. When a community embraces people with a variety of opinions and honors the right to express them, who manages the friction? Who do children listen to as they see the collage of conflicting news posts and commentary? 

This week, we focused on and resourced you a bit on social emotional health. I am happy for those of you for whom this may not be relevant, and hopeful for those of you who may need something more than business as usual. 

So, be well. Breathe. Stretch. Enjoy the spring, cold as it is. And know we all have those moments and it really is OK.

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat 

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