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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: May 22, 2024

Dear Spectrum Family and Friends,

What a last few weeks of school – field trips, a Color Run, graduation, picnics…packing up, cleaning up, reflecting, and celebrating. 

It has been somewhat bittersweet. You may have heard that Ms. Jacque broke her shoulder on the weekend. An awful way to end what has been an amazing year for Early, and thank goodness for Ms. Shawnna! You may have heard that Ms. Heather is moving to Arizona, and has already accepted a third grade teaching position out there. We are happy for her and sad for us. You may have heard that I have decided to retire at the end of my contract. I will be here through June 30 and I will be around to support Spectrum. The Board has been working hard to determine how the various administrative and leadership work will get done, and I know I leave Spectrum in capable and competent hands. Don’t work Marci too hard! 

There is no way I can capture in words what an amazing and remarkable journey leading this sweet little school has been. Despite the challenges, I believe it is the way school should be for children and teachers and staff…a family and a place that puts children’s needs and interests first. Child-centered learning can seem chaotic at times, but it is well worth it! Who they are matters. How each learns best matters. How they feel and think matters. Each is special and EVERYONE counts! 

I wish you all well.

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat

Principal – Spectrum Progressive School of Rockford 

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