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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: May 25, 2021

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends,

I wish you all the best summer, with time to re-group, relax, and recreate. 

For those moving on, please stay in touch and let us know how your children are doing. We want you to feel free to stay connected and that you are welcome to come back for events and community activities. 

For those returning to or starting for the first time at Spectrum, it is promising to be a very exciting year, with enhancements to Early Childhood, adopting some new approaches through the Relational Learning Framework, and being able to bring back PTO, Interest Groups, and field trips! 

We will keep you posted regarding summer opportunities and all the items in the announcement section.

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat


Spectrum School  

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