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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: May 29, 2020

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends,

Thank you to everyone who showed up on Thursday to cheer on our graduates. It was wonderful to see our community come together like this. It says a lot that families from preschool through 7th showed up.

Congratulations! We successfully made it through a school year, despite the last three months being a brand new type of instructional delivery. Student learning is evident through a plethora of projects – from preschool birdhouses to Middle School projects, newspapers, and podcasts, and everything in-between. Who knew the respiratory system could be modeled in so many unique ways? Even the designers of “Genius Hour” would be shocked by how well our Intermediate students managed that challenge.

Teachers, parents, students, and staff – it has been awe-inspiring to see your perseverance and flexibility. Thank you. Also, huge gratitude to Marci, who chugs away behind the scenes and keeps things rolling along in numerous but often invisible ways. Our Board, who carries the vision of Spectrum’s sustainability and growth. Our Education Committee, for researching and working diligently the last several months on thinking through our management of the new normal. Melissa Prete, for her vision, time, and energy for the monthly Bag-O-Fun, and Heather for plugging in whenever I needed help with odd jobs. Finally, my family. Aubrey has been a behind-the-scenes thought partner since the beginning of this shut down (actually since even before we came to Rockford, since she is the reason we are here. We just get a little more time at it now.) Rickey has kept putting out a quality informative newsletter week-by-week showcasing the great work in which our learning community has been engaged. My husband Dave who is managing the stress of being furloughed but still functioning like the sinew holding us together. Our dear friend Gary. And my sweet and spunky twin granddaughters, Bailey and Tinsley, who make everything worth it to me. Today is their half-birthday – halfway to three.

Throughout the summer, please check email, the website, and Facebook for updates, and stay in touch! Connection matters, and we care about all of you!

Life is a gift and miracle to cherish.

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat 

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