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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: May 3, 2019

Dear Spectrum Family and Friends,

In case you missed it, next week is Teacher Appreciation Week!

Here is my list of why our community should deeply appreciate our Spectrum teachers:

  1. They have each developed deep expertise at seamlessly weaving content delivery, inquiry, and engaging hands-on learning throughout a lesson. I have seen this for myself again and again. It takes expertise and experience to bring this kind of quality instruction day in and day out.
  2. They work for a fraction of what they could be earning because they believe in what we are doing here at Spectrum.
  3. They go above and beyond with academic themes, learning activities, field trips, interests groups, communication, and participating in school events.
  4. They care about where the world is going – for your children, for ourselves, and for each other. This translates to advocacy for peace and justice, and a passion for the environment.
  5. They truly love children- your children, former students, the children in their lives. Love, positive intention, and caring attentiveness cannot be taken for granted at any price, and they abound at Spectrum.

Please take some time to show our teachers and staff appreciation during the week set aside for it. They deserve it!

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat

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