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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Nov. 12, 2021

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends,

As I watched on Wednesday evening the launch and beginning orbit of our latest human flight to space, I was struck by how much courage it would take to go in a rocket like that. Then I got caught up in a simulation of  the bullet train across Japan (almost 200mph) then I got caught up in the making of a replica Viking longboat (the Drakon) and all its subsequent adventures and woes. I toured this magnificent ship in Chicago in 2016 before it was forced out of the Great Lakes and back to Norway by financial demands the owners couldn’t meet. 

Courage: Crossing oceans, going into space, trying new experiences. What makes it possible for humans to take risks, endure discomfort and uncertainty, and actively pursue a challenging dream? What is the stuff of stamina and hope and stick-to-it-iveness that make pushing horizons possible? How does the human psyche develop that kind of depth and resilience? 

In my bones, I know the answer has to do with intrinsic motivation, belief from a community or family, invested mentors and experts whose support is sought, and opportunities for failure, reflection and starting again. I know it has to do with ownership of one’s learning, of one’s life, that not only seizes the day but observes, plans, and prepares for the future one desires. It takes doing the work, even when you don’t feel the immediate reward. 

At Spectrum, we want to build stamina, encourage reflection, and foster hope. Our efforts to build a learner-driven culture, where student choice and voice are core to learning, really matter to us. We want to help children learn to work through conflict, failure, and disappointment as a way to build their resilience muscles, to solve problems, and to develop self-management. 

Please have a conversation with your children this Veteran’s Day week about courage. See what they think it means, when they need it, why it matters in little and big ways. I’d love to hear what they tell you.

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat

Principal – Spectrum School  

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