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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Nov. 19, 2021

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends,

I’ve been cultivating an attitude of gratitude by practicing intentional reminders to myself regarding work, family, health, and life. I’ve been shifting my own Achilles heel (resentment) by breathing and remembering that it is a privilege and honor to work and be with children. 

What would happen if there were suddenly no opportunity to be with and enjoy the children in your life? I know many have experienced this loss in one way or another, and I honestly do not know how they survive it. Every remembered moment must be a wish that there had been more, that there could be more. One more hug, one more chance to fill a moment with love and sweetness. 

One of our parents told me the phrase FOMO, Fear of Missing Out. I hope that we are not so consumed by FOMO that we forget that mostly what our children want from us is us. Our focus, our attention, smiles, interactions, play, acknowledgement. We are the ones who get to make them feel special, unique, and important. We are the ones that get to love them, unconditionally, because they are who they are. We get to make sure they know they are loved and valued and safe.  To feel our love, regard, affection, and authentic admiration in their bones and blood. 

May your fall holiday be filled with moments of love and deep appreciation for the children in your life. May your moments of frustration and resentment be countered by self-awareness to breathe, step back, and re-fill your bucket with remembrances of love, and a choosing into warm togetherness. 

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat

Principal – Spectrum School  

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